In one of the piles of rubble, you can find various pieces of debris. The same magazine can also be seen inside of the entry lobby in Old Aperture. This is a clear reference to the 2011 erotic romance novel Fifty Shades of Grey.

In an inaccessible area of Old Aperture, a magazine rack displays a magazine with the headline ‘ Fifty Shades of Cave’ over Cave Johnson’s face. However, according to LoneWolf2056, it was removed as they didn’t want the new models to cause technical issues. There was originally planned to be a group of goats having a tea party during Mel’s long elevator ride in the beginning of the game. One of these instances can be found in sp_a2_underbounce. According to the developers, goats became a running gag during development, leading to the placement of the models for fun. In many different places around the maps, stock, textureless models of goats can be found, most unaccessible without noclip. A photo of the TARDIS in the junkyard can be found here. Can be seen out of bounds to the left in Chapter 3, The Ascent, (sp_a3_junkyard). If you go out of bounds in the flaming junkyard, you can find a blue police box, which is a reference to the TARDIS from Doctor Who. Breen, a recurring character in Half Life. In the room where the lights are turned on to rescue Virgil, a framed photograph depicts Cave Johnson shaking hands with Dr. There is also a large poster referencing the Borealis in the room where Virgil is found. Portal 2 also references the Borealis with a life preserver, and Portal Stories: Mel uses the same model and texture. This is a reference to Half Life 2, in which the ship Borealis is featured in a recording at the beginning of the game. The sign is pictured here.īorealis floats can be found early in the game. When you get off the train, an arrivals board lists City 17 as a destination, which is the setting of both episodes of Half Life 2. These are photos of the developers.ĭuring the beginning train ride, it’s possible to catch a glimpse of a security guard knocking on a door, which is a reference to a similar event in Half Life: Blue Shift. Scattered around several abandoned offices are photo frames, each one with pictures of a real person. One of the complete signatures can be found out of bounds in sp_a2_underbounce. This culminates in the locked-off lab 2056, which is enterable and grants an achievement upon doing so. These are all references to one of the lead developers, LoneWolf2056, and his full username is also hidden around the maps. In multiple locations all across the story, the numbers ‘2056’ can be seen, most notably as AEGIS’ password in the final segment.