Dawn of war steel legion
Dawn of war steel legion

  • Large numbers of Stormboyz attacking from both the North and South simultaneously.
  • Usually accompanied by Tankbustas which attack from the North
  • A large number of Orks teleport into your base with a Big Mek, consisting of Nobz and Slugga Boyz.
  • A large number of Slugga Boyz, Shoota Boyz, Mega Armored Nobz and Flash Gitz attack from the Eastern main stronghold.
  • The enemy will periodically send waves of attackers from all sorts of directions. If players wish to build a secondary base at the relic, they must be mindful to defend it properly.
  • Destroy the Ork Fighta-bomma production facility (located South East).
  • Destroy the Squiggoth Production facility (located Northeast).
  • Destroy the machine shops (located north) to halt Ork vehicle production.
  • Stop the nob production (done at a base south).
  • From there players will get the objectives: After creating a proper base, players can destroy a small settlement ( ork HQ) and then may proceed to the "Killy spot" (a relic) at the centre of the map and destroy the large number of Ork structures surrounding it, mostly Power Generators and Waaagh! Banners. When arriving, players must use their honor guard to defeat a wave of relatively weak orks which comprise of slugga boys and shoota boys. An Ork base located just south-east of your base can be accessed by teleporting or jump-jet units, but is heavily guarded. There is only one entrance/exit to your base.

    dawn of war steel legion

    Players start off at the Eastern corner of the map, with a moderately-sized area to build in with a few Strategic Points.

    dawn of war steel legion

    The main objective is to destroy the Orky Fort at the Western end of the map. The Rokclaw Mountains, Ork stronghold, is located closest to the Tau Empire, though the Space Marines can also reach them early.

    dawn of war steel legion

    Penetrating its defenses was entirely another. Gotgutz' strategy meant that the Ork stronghold was not invincible, but it did not mean that it was undefended. He insisted that you had to take a bolter round or two if you wanted to win, and Gorgutz lived only to win. But in the past these Orks had always retreated to this place in great numbers at the first sign of defeat. There had never once been a successful attempt to breach the vast hideout there, and the Orks believed there never could be. These rugged Kauravan Orks had sometimes overrun the system's four planets, and sometimes been beaten back to their secret stronghold in the Rokclaw Mountains. It seems that when Gorgutz arrived, they welcomed him as a long-awaited hero. But who were the Orks he led? Imperial records indicate that these Orks had always been in Kaurava - going back at least a millennium. It was no secret that it was the Warboss Gorgutz himself who led the Waaagh! in the Kaurava Conflict.

    Dawn of war steel legion