New vegas brotherhood of steel mod
New vegas brotherhood of steel mod

new vegas brotherhood of steel mod

The only ending where you can outright ally with the BoS is NCR though. You CAN get the Remnants on your side with the Yes Man path, but it`s more them siding with you rather than the reverse, like all ending where you befriend them.

new vegas brotherhood of steel mod

I ended up working for NCR despite taking Yes Man up to that level, questwise Yes Man even respawns if you kill him. In the Yes Man quests, the Brotherhood should want to help *you*, but I don't know. That resolved the Brotherhood questline so you could tell NCR the Brotherhood wanted to help, even though NCR was skeptical. In my game the NCR gave me orders to destroy the Brotherhood concurrently, so I had the speech option NCR wants to destroy you. Yes Man will assist the Courier directly in the Independent New Vegas main questline He is a modified PDQ-88b securitron with a unique personality, serving as an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas.

  • Yes Man is an AI program that serves as Benny 's assistant and right-hand man in 2281.
  • Like the same option with the other factions, this means giving up on getting their support for your plans The corresponding quest from Yes Man, however, Wild Card: Side Bets, gives you an option to ignore the Brotherhood.
  • When dealing with the tribes, in the quest The House Always Wins V, Mr House will always refuse to negotiate, and want you to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Behind the scenes Many years have passed since the events of Fallout 1 and in the time between F2 and F:NV, the western Brotherhood has suffered very heavy losses
  • The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel appears only in Fallout: New Vegas, and is mentioned in the add-ons Dead Money and Old World Blues.
  • new vegas brotherhood of steel mod

    Once you finish those, McNamara (if you kept him in power) will let you join the Brotherhood, and you can recruit them to help at the Dam.

    new vegas brotherhood of steel mod

    To recruit them, you do both Still in the Dark and Eyesight to the Blind. The only place it matters is in dealing with the Brotherhood. He doesn't care if they're helping you or uninvolved at all. or factions that he asks you to deal with.1 Synopsis 2 Quick walkthrough 3 Detailed walkthrough 3.1 Brotherhood of Steel 3.2 Boomers 3.3 Great Khans 3.4 White Glove Society 3.5 Omertas 3.6 Completion 4 Quest stages 5 Notes 6 Bugs In order to gain support for. Wild Card: Side Bets is a main quest in Fallout: New Vegas, given by Yes Man.Home Fallout New Vegas Yes Man Brotherhood of Steel Wild Card: Side Bets Fallout Wiki Fando

    New vegas brotherhood of steel mod