I miss Ambush, Backstab, and Killing Bl0w though. Xiphos Athena (IMHO) is superior to melee Zer0 with the right mods. Modding: Borderlands 2 characters in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. All credits goes to GibbedĢ5 Best Borderlands 2 Mods (All Free) - FandomSpo It allows you to build weapons, adds money, editing character etc.
Borderlands 2 Save Editor Revision 125 Full Version 21 comments. Borderlands Level 72 Character Game Saves 10. Borderlands Unofficial Community Patch 2. Here Are The Top 10 Best Of Borderlands 2 Mods 1. Drop the extracted file into your savegame folder under C:Users DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData. Description This contains all Borderlands 2 Lvl 72 character game saves Installation 1. Gibbed save editor download and install on P Each character has modded stats including, skills, ammo, and drop-able Eridium and Seraph crystals.
Borderlands 2 All Level 80 OP10 Character Game Saves (PC Only) This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level 80. There are lots of fixes that are applied with this mod, which can enhance your gameplay experience significantly or bugs found in Borderlands 2 without the need to wait for the official patch. Hope you guys enjoy it took me and my co-modder roughly a year to get this and there really isn't any others out there so hope you guys enjoy! Make sure to l. 1)Save0997.sav: All Commando, Gunzerker, Siren, Assassin, Bandit, Runner skins/heads 2)Save0998.sav: All Mechromancer skins/heads 3)Save0999.sav: All Pirates Booty DLC heads, Hovercraft skins, and new guns / relics Credits goes to: Just with one of these saves and use the Skins. Class mods are visible on-character, seen as a signature piece of equipment on each of the. Jargon jargon lingo lingo buzzword buzzword. This Borderlands 2 graphical mod creates deeper colors, better detail, better anti-aliasing and Gaussian bloom with no detectable loss in performance. The mod comes complete with her original skills and mods as well, so it'll be just like playing as Lilith in the original game. This next one makes The Siren Lilith available in Borderlands 2 as well, giving you yet another option when it comes to character builds. Also enables all purple class mods to have a small chance of spawning as a Legendary version, if it is level 50 or higher This Borderlands 2 mod modifies a large number of class mods to be more balanced, fitting, specialized, or otherwise interesting. Each character has modded stats including, skills, ammo, drop-able Eridium Stacks, Seraph crystals, and Torgue Tokens. This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level 80. Home Borderlands 2 character Mods Borderlands 2 All Level 80 OP10 Character Game Saves at